
All views, revelations, and beliefs are personal to me and are what I believe. The reader does not have to agree with every view or belief, but must pray and ask God for the Wisdom and Revelations then read the Holy Bible for themselves. I think Jesus wants us to stand united as one believing in him, but working out our salvation is individually done through a personal relationship with God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.

I have noticed that by reading about other people’s life experiences with God that we can get a lot of insight into our own lives. If nothing else it gets us searching for the truth for ourselves. And that is what I want to do with this blog, get people to search extensively for the truth, first by asking, then by seeking.

I learned if I start by praying and asking God to show me the truth and then read the Holy Bible and believeb he does show me the truth. I also learned that I have to do this daily. I learned that Satan is always attempting to attack me in my mind by telling me lies, that I’m not good enough, that I am worthless, I should just kill myself, that I should just live my life up by doing a lot of bad things (that feels good at the time) because I only live once. My sinful nature wants to do sin and I must rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to help me not give in.

All these are tactics from Satan to get me to disbelieve God and his truths. I noticed that Satan will distract me by whatever means necessary. To keep me from learning the truth. He will even go as far as telling me that the Holy Bible is a fairy tale and that it cannot be real because it cannot be that simple. But the Holy Bible is true and is proven over and over throughout history.

By praying and asking God for help with Revelation and Wisdom then reading God’s word (Holy Bible), I can avoid a whole lot of Satan’s distractions and lies. And the only way I can tell how to lose it, (salvation) is by slowly dying inside by continuously believing the lies Satan tells me. Such as, bad thoughts Satan tells me to do that is clearly sin. I found that I instead had to listen to God’s voice by learning how to listen to him in the midst of all the distractions in our minds.

I learned how to listen by first asking Jesus, whom I believed is my personal savior and the Son of God who made us, for help. I ask him to help me understand the truth. This went on for a few weeks, I found out that each time I ask for help then read the bible, I started seeing small results.

Eventually, as my faith grew and I started maturing, in my mind and spirit through God, I started seeing major results because, I learned how to ask for help with all the garbage in my mind. And he helped me focus on only three voices, Good, Evil and Me. If I can tell which voices are which, then I can make the choice to allow God’s voice to guide me, in my decisions, actions, and even thought process. By doing this it gives me peace beyond understanding because when I follow God’s voice I do what He created me to do, and by doing so I have peace, happiness, and joy unspeakable.

I found that this has to be a daily decision for me to continue to work and grow in Christ. I found that my day goes much smoother if I choose God first and seek his guidance throughout my day. I found that I constantly need God throughout the day because of Evil’s sometimes constant pull to get me distracted from doing what God made me for.