Revelations from God

God wants his people to be successful at whatever he has planed for us to do. It is the lies from Satan that hold us back and keep us from becoming what God has created us to be. If God clearly gives a direction, Satan will do his best to distract us, distort the truth and even try to keep us from what God clearly showed us to do. Click here to see 100 verses about success.

Jesus stands at the door and knocks. He says, with open arms, just ask me and I will help you with your unbelief and will show you who you were created to be. I’ll open your eyes if you would only ask. Rev 3:20, Matt 7:7

Stop believing the lies of evil that tells you who you are. God says your sins are dead in Christ so move away from evil so you can let your light shine bright. We are only truly satisfied and fulfilled when we submit to Jesus’ authority fully over our entire life including our finances. Col 2 , Mal 3:10

God wants an individual relationship with him but we must have child-like faith to do so. We can have peace if we put God in the middle of everything we’re doing and learn about who he truly is by reading about him. Ask for wisdom and revelation then allow God to teach you through his living word by the Holy Spirit. John 15:15, Luk 18:17

Stop allowing the evil to dictate who you are, you are a child of light so combat the evil with God’s living word that says who you really are. Our creator is not the author of confusion, but Satan is. It doesn’t matter what the evil one tells you, he is lying to you about who you truly are. If Jesus paid that debt for everyone then you have to believe that it is for you and find out who you truly are. Which is a person of the kingdom of the most high God. We must not take this lightly. If we truly are of the Kingdom we must submit to Jesus’ authority over us. Faith is all it takes and if you have none ask he will freely give to anyone who asks sincerely. Click here to check out many verses that say who we are.

Once we submit to his will for us, we suddenly become extremely content in whatever situation we are in. And we can remain that way if we choose him day by day. Jesus said to take up your cross daily and follow him. It’s a choice we must choose at the start of every day. I have noticed in my own life that if I put God first in the morning and keep him in the middle of everything I’m doing, my day goes much better for me. Even if I’m in a bad situation, if I focus on God instead of my bad situation, I start viewing the situation completely differently, which allows for a way out of the bad situation. He turns it for our own good. Phi 4:11-13

Feel free to share your own thoughts and revelations in the comments below.

One thought on “Revelations from God

  1. Somehow we are conditioned to believe that God is angry with his children and tapping a ballbat into his palm, waiting to smack us when we make mistakes.
    That concept was hard for me to unlearn! When compared to the love we have for our own children, it’s nothing to how much we are loved by to heavenly Father

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